
Whats new and whats going on

11/07/2012 21:22

It's been a really long time since I wrote something to this section and also since last update, but we have plenty of new stuff and we would like to share with it!

First about new content on this site. You should definitely check section with Mikromodels, there are new part of Military vehicles of Army of Czech republic (including for example T 72M4CZ), Hesco barriers (amendment to Field hospital), and also whole new part of Mikromodely universe-civilian set Trains and trams and Station Studanka! As for single models, you can find warplane from WW I Albatros DIII or set of three planes-L29 Delfín, Avie B534 and Bell UH1N Gunship with interior. Scifi wargaming fans should check scifi section-there is set of TOS ships in scale 1/5000. I have also reupladed my two old models- tankette model 33 and RSO (many of you were asking for them so here it is).


Last year we have published our second set in czech magazine ABC, this time RAF airfield from WW II. For now its not available for download, but dont worry, we have released Field hospital and airfield will be certainly released for free as well. 



As for WW II, I have today released betaversion of my new set called War legends, which includes 7 most famous tanks (Tiger, T 34/85 or Sherman for example). You can find link for download on our facebook page. 


And in future? We have whole new model for ABC magazine, this time in scale 1/300. It's USS Independence, littoral combat ship class. Model is 42 cm leght, so it will be our biggest model so far.


I highly reccomend you to follow us on facebook, every hot news goes firstly on it and it's easier to be in touch with us. 

Thats all folks, thank you for your attention :)


What do you like for a model in 1:250?

14/11/2010 10:30

 Today, I would like to start a little research. Question is easy, what do you like (ar want to built or see) for a mikromodel, in scale 1/250?

I would like to now, what could be interesting for people who build this little models. You can write your idea to comments below.

Mikromodely 1/250

20/10/2010 07:30

 Hi to all. Sorry for loooong time without any new article. 

Now, I'm going to type here what is our (Mine and Rawen's) new big project. We are working on for three months, we call it Mikromodely. Mikromodely are small easy model in scale 1/250, we were inspirated by Minibox sets (which were released a few years ago in czech magazine ABC). They were nice, but there was nothing from military technic. And this is, what are Mikromodely about. 

First set was made by Rawen- Czech field hospital in Afganistan (inspirated by real hospital); in this set there are a lot of czech and international cars and trucks (land rovers, Humwee, Iveco, Tatras 810, 815 and more)

This set is going to officially release in November in Czech popular magazine ABC.


About more sets we are planning or doing next...

How work continous?

26/05/2010 07:29

Hi to all.

So, yesterday I started work on new conversion. It'll be T 34/76 model 42/43 and I try do bew turret in 3D (google sketch up). If I learn make 3D models, It will be more easier to do complicate parts tanks and maybe quicker.

Now I have prepare some new camouflages on models Tiger, Panther, T 34 and more, Sherman is on way.

What is preparing

18/05/2010 07:27

Hi to all who go on our new website.

I would like to tell you that, I'm now preparing some bonus pack's (one was released when was 65. annivesary of End 2 world war). It'll be minimal 30! new camouflages and versions, some real, some possibly real and some of them will completely fiction. Simultaneos whit this I'm going to start working on new model, Centurion mk. 3 and 5.


And one little secret. I would like to organised little competition, but I don't know exactly how.

Michal Tichý

First blog

05/04/2010 18:40

Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.


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